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Vote on my next Pixel Game Maker MV plugins by becoming a patron!

This pack contains the following plugins:

  • Enhanced Generate Object
  • Enhanced Change Object
  • Enhanced Move Layer
  • Get Layer Info (new!)

What do I mean by enhanced?

  • Added flexibility on what instance(s) are using the runtime action (ie. Self, Parent, Locked, Single/All Objects, ID via variable, etc.)
  • They traverse scenes, meaning you can now use an action to a menu instance from a normal scene instance
  • Values will typically come with a variable option
  • Extra options where possible
  • If needed, custom utility plugins are included that aid in action behavior

Overview video of plugins:


Get this tool and 22 more for $20.00 USD
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$2.00 $1.00 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

baz_GenerateObject v1.0 37 kB
baz_ChangeObject v1.0 33 kB
baz_MoveLayer v1.0 29 kB
baz_GetLayerInfo v1.0 19 kB
プラグインパック #1 - 日本語 20 kB


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Well.. interesting for sure.

I'm just not sure what sort of use i could get out of it.


Never mind, i'm an idiot. The video gave me some ideas.

Being able to target other instances to use the action as well as the ability to use actions across scene types (normal and menu) are the biggest enhancements. The secondary ones are being able to use variable values and a few new settings.


Does it let you have one object do things to another object?

Like, can i have an object apply an effect onto another object without having to do it within said object? 

That's what it sounds like.. which is something i've been wanting to do. I shouldn't have to apply a screen effect to an object within THAT object..  That's almost what it sounds like you're saying it does..

That is exactly what these plugins do! You can target any object type, instance id, parent, or even locked objects.

BTW apply filter (from the example you mentioned) is tied right now for Pack #3, so that particular plugin might be coming sooner than later, we'll see!




